Is Your Home Ready for AC Installation? Expert Advice on How to Know

When it comes to installing a central air conditioner in your home, there are a few factors to consider. The age of the house, whether there are existing ducts and the size of the air conditioner all play a role in the decision. The Department of Energy (DOE) states that replacing an old 9 SEER air conditioning unit with a high-efficiency 14 SEER unit can reduce operating costs by 35%. The short answer is yes if the house has ducts; otherwise, you'll need to install them before you can install a central air conditioning unit.

This cost may seem high, but installing the central air conditioner is often more complicated than homeowners think, since the unit must be connected to the oven and thermostat in the house and properly wired. Knowing some important details about central air conditioners, window units, and other air conditioning systems can help you determine what's in your home and what's the best option when you're looking for a new air conditioning system. It's essential to get at least three quotes from local air conditioning installers before signing any contract. While manufacturers have worked to reduce the noise of air conditioners, it would be best to plan the location away from an outdoor area where you and your family spend a lot of time. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy efficient the air conditioner will be (and the less it will cost to run it each month).

If you're lucky enough to have ducts, you can connect an air conditioner to existing ducts to circulate cold air in summer. However, keep in mind that homes with forced air furnaces may not have a central air conditioning unit; instead, they may have window air conditioners, split systems, or no air conditioning. It's okay to place air conditioners near deciduous trees, but doing so may slightly increase the maintenance the unit requires. Air conditioners are generally installed on slabs constructed of concrete or PVC because the units have to be on a hard, strong, level surface. If you can't find a place that doesn't have cement or stones nearby, you might even consider mulching those surfaces to help keep them cool. If you live in a single-level house, the technician will need to install an air controller in the attic and then place ducts between the ceiling beams of each room.

This is different from a window air conditioner, which pushes cool air through its front panel and only cools a small space. Contact a nearby HVAC technician to determine the best way to add a central air conditioner to existing ducts. Houses with a lot of shade or those that face mainly north or east are less exposed to the sun and, in general, are cooler. Fortunately, DOE requires manufacturers of air conditioning units to rate their efficiency and share that information with consumers. This makes it easier for homeowners to make informed decisions about their home's cooling needs.

When considering an AC installation for your home, it's important to get multiple quotes from local contractors and compare their services and prices. Installing an AC unit is not something that should be taken lightly. It's important to understand all of the factors involved before making any decisions. Make sure you get multiple quotes from local contractors and compare their services and prices. Additionally, make sure you understand all of the details about central air conditioners, window units, and other air conditioning systems so that you can make an informed decision about what's best for your home.

Adele Fonseca
Adele Fonseca

Hardcore baconaholic. Lifelong pop culture trailblazer. Subtly charming travel scholar. Freelance bacon enthusiast. Wannabe zombie geek.