How to Install an AC Unit in a Humid Climate and Achieve Optimal Performance

The advantages of air conditioning repairs to deal with high humidity are numerous, from improved indoor air quality to greater energy efficiency and comfort. Many homeowners choose to cover their air conditioning units during the winter if their internal parts are exposed. However, it is important to use a cover that allows ventilation, as lack of ventilation or inadequate openings can lead to mold and mildew growth and cause more damage. To effectively control humidity levels, rather than just moderating them as a by-product of the air tempering process, specific equipment and controls are required.

It is essential to select the right size and type of air conditioning equipment for your space and climate type. Additionally, proper installation techniques should be followed for optimal performance. The second method of dehumidification is through the use of a desiccant that attracts moisture from the air to its surface by introducing a low vapor pressure to the surface of the desiccant. After extensive research carried out by architects, engineers and mycologists (experts in fungi), it was discovered that the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system had not been designed or built to maintain adequate humidity conditions in the building, allowing the widespread proliferation of mold on furniture and in interior wall cavities.

The infiltration of air into a building with a high latent load (high moisture load) will cause moisture to accumulate in building materials, such as drywall, with subsequent degradation of the material and the growth of mold. Understanding the role of air conditioning in controlling humidity levels is an important part of maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment. To ensure that your AC unit is able to withstand normal weather conditions while providing adequate humidity control for your home or business, it is important to select an appropriately sized unit for your space and climate type. Finally, an experienced contractor should be consulted for any repairs or upgrades needed for your AC unit.

At this temperature, most air flows in the HVAC system will have a relative humidity of 100 percent (or total saturation) and will effectively condense moisture in the air. It's important to have an experienced contractor who knows how to properly correct high humidity levels with air conditioning. If the humidity levels in your home are too high, this can lead to a number of problems, such as mold growth and poor air quality. The air conditioning system must properly condition the interior of the building, including the building envelope, and pressurize the building with dehumidified air (called exfiltration).

Properly sized and installed, this system provides effective dehumidification under most conditions. In hot and humid climates, the chance of moisture accumulation increases with the decrease in indoor temperature. Dehumidification systems can be installed directly into the existing air conditioning unit or as a separate device that works alongside it. To fully dehumidify the air flow through the coil, the cooling coils must be properly sized to withstand both the sensitive load and the latent load of the outside air and return air.

Installing an AC unit in a humid climate requires special considerations for optimal performance. Finally, an experienced contractor should be consulted for any repairs or upgrades needed for your AC unit.

Adele Fonseca
Adele Fonseca

Hardcore baconaholic. Lifelong pop culture trailblazer. Subtly charming travel scholar. Freelance bacon enthusiast. Wannabe zombie geek.